Studio Manager New Features

We at AudioDope have been working tirelessly to bring automation to music creators. Recording studio managers can now benefit from having recording studio management software that helps ease their day to day workflow. Below is a few of the newest features we've been working on.

Calendar Management

Scheduling studio time for your clients is the key essential to your business. Along with having a way to view all the sessions in one place makes studio management easier. With AudioDope, you can see your staff calendar for your studio in one place. Toggle between a month, day, or weekly view for each staff member. We also have added a clock-in and clock-out functionality for each staff member.

Studio Services Management

Sometimes clients just need a special services completed like "Mixing" or  "Mastering" instead of booking a session. Along with your rooms, you can list your services to creators on AudioDope Creators. Manage all your requests in one place and even add your own requests for clients.  Create another revenue stream for your studio with AudioDope!

File Review & Transfer

File transfer with clients should be a smooth and easy process. With AudioDope, you can exchange back and forth dialog on the file with the client before transfer. Once the client approves, transfer the file to the client straight from AudioDope! You can also add reviewers to comment, along with new versions of the file. Automate your file transfers with AudioDope!

Task Management

Managing tasks in the studio is always key to running a successful studio. Sticky notes don't cut it, and using different systems causes too much confusion. Now with AudioDope, you can manage all your tasks for your studio staff.  Assign due dates, and assign these to your staff at your will. Toggle between what's in progress and what's completed.

Automate your daily tasks as a studio manager with recording studio management software that will make your life easier. Let us help you focus on doing what you do best and that is creating AudioDope!